Ingredients for the pastry (three tarts and about 20 biscuits):
150 gr/5.30 oz flour,
100 gr/3.52 oz sugar,
The zest of 1 lemon,
The zest of half orange,
125 ml/4.22 oz Bergamia oil,
25 gr/0.9 oz water,
45 gr/1.60 oz egg yolks.
Wash the citrus fruit and grate the zest, mix with sugar. Place the flour in a bowl with the sugar in the middle. Prepare a mayonnaise by blending the egg yolks with the water and just enough oil to make a smooth, clear, thick mixture. Pour the mayonnaise into the flour and start amalgamating the sugar. Finish mixing the pastry by hand, make a ball and let it rest in the fridge for at least half an hour.
For the filling:
3 tsps lemon jam,
3 tsps rosehip jam,
2 tbsps meringue.
Divide the pastry into three parts, roll out and put into a silicon muffin dish, it will be the base for the tarts. Place in all of them a tsp of each jam and bake at 180 °C for 10 – 15 minutes. Leave to cool, then remove from the base. Pipe some meringue onto each one, grill for a couple of minutes until brown.
Recipe by Valeria Borraccino.
For this dish: