Guinea fowl with Cardamom Oil

Ingredients for 4:
2 small guinea fowl cut into pieces,
100 gr/ 3.5 oz  stoned black olives,
1 level tablespoon of capers in salt,
2 anchovy fillets,
2 unpeeled cloves of garlic,
1 sprig of rosemary,
½ glass Aromatico oil,
½ glass dry white wine 1 glass stock,
150 gr/5.3 oz toasted hazelnuts,
freshly ground pepper.

Brown the meat in a pan with the oil, garlic and rosemary. Pour in the wine and evaporate, remove the garlic and add the chopped olives, capers and anchovies as well as the hazelnuts (crushed), add salt and pepper to taste and cook over a low heat adding the stock a little at a time.

Recipe by Oretta de Vita

In this dish: